About the Artist

From Stony Brook, NY, Amelia Lisa is a 3D sculptor. While Amelia’s primary focus is ceramics, she often utilizes multiple mediums, such as aluminum wire and wax. Her artwork consists of abstract stylization of organic forms and incorporates various rough textures. Her work consists of abstract stylization of organic forms and utilization of different, rough textures to give pieces a more interesting appearance. 

Amelia Lisa is pursuing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art with a concentration in 3-D at Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusetts. During her time at Endicott College, she has been featured in the Endicott Review, which features work from selected visual and performing art students at Endicott. Amelia recently had the opportunity to intern at 2 Rivers Ceramics Studio in Newbury, Massachusetts, where she was able to improve her artistic abilities and learn new techniques in ceramics.

Artist Statement

"When creating my pieces, I draw inspiration from the surrealism movement of the early 1900s. I have always been drawn to the more sculptural aspects of ceramics. While I enjoy creating wheel-thrown functional pieces, I prefer to incorporate slightly ‘unusual’ elements to increase the amount of movement and rhythm in my work. I use my artwork to explore different characteristics of how an object can be shaped and reshaped unconventionally. “

“My upcoming work will depict religious symbolism tied to my childhood and experiences growing up in an interfaith household. Themes will include the impact of my upbringing on my identity. This will feature a large upside-down ceramic. menorah with wax-dripping candles and ceramic figures coated in wax. These elements will symbolize my religious experiences and household environment’s significant role in my personality development.”